Zeusaphone Z-54 World Class Performance: The masterfully designed Z-54 is compact high-performance Tesla coil capable of delivering totally unmatched spark lengths for a musical DRSSTC of its size. While standing at 27 inches tall, the arcs of the Zeusaphone Z-54 reach an incredible length twice the height that the system stands tall! You won’t believe your eyes as you watch the Zeusaphone ZC-54 cranking out incredible electrical arcs up to 4 1/2 feet long! The arcs are so long, in fact, they can actually curl around the system to strike the ground even when the breakout rod is pointing straight up from the toroid! The musical storm of electricity that envelops this awesome machine is incredibly mesmerizing and a truly awe inspiring sight to behold. Heavy Duty, High Power Design: The extra heavy-duty design of the Zeusaphone Z-54 allows not only for outstanding electrical output, but long run times and smooth, reliable operation. It is standard practice for hobbyist level Tesla coils and even more professionally built systems to stress their components well beyond their rated limits. This is not the case with any Zeusaphone products. We always use all-new, fully rated capacitors and power electronics to keep all voltages and currents well within their designed limits. Ultimate Reliability: Current-control system: Active current control circuitry prevents excessive current draw to protect power switching electronics. This Fully Featured System Includes: Performance Specifications: Cost: